My Dear Office Supplies,
We’ve had quite an eventful relationship together, from my first day of kindergarten to my last day of senior year. You’ve been there for me the entire journey and we’ve had many ups and downs along the way. We’ve laughed, cried, been excessively bored, and gotten up to mischief together. You are much more than just office supplies to me. You are my partner in crime, the tools through which I express my creativity, the one who helps alleviate my boredom and make me smile. Our relationship is ever evolving and I know it will last a lifetime. In this letter, I hope to express to you how I truly feel about you, and how much I truly care.
My very first memory of you is in your crayon form, clutched in my sticky and sweaty little kid fist. I truly am sorry about the times I accidently snapped you in half. To be fair, I put all of your broken halves in my crayon melting machine and gave you new life in the form of a rainbow crayon. We had so much fun together as we drew imaginative scenes of mermaid kingdoms, new fashion designs that were often questionable, and even pictures of my family on plain printer paper. That brings me to paper, with which our relationship is more complicated. You’ve always been a necessity and come in many forms. Craft paper, scrap paper, construction paper, etc. I crumpled you up, put you in a straw, and spit you at things. You retaliated and gave me many paper cuts that stung awfully bad. Those were not our finest moments, but we’ve also had some fun times. I have folded you into lovely origami masterpieces when I took up origami in middle school, and you rewarded me with the oohs and aahs of my classmates. Plus, our relationship with eraser and paperclip is the best there is. I can’t forget about you, paperclip, because you might be my favorite office supply of all. Remember that time in my parent’s office, where we raided their paperclip stash and made a lovely multicolored paperclip necklace, earring, and bracelet set? Those were some fun times. You’re very versatile too as I can bend you into so many shapes. My favorite time together is when you, me, and rubber band made a slingshot. I bent you into a slingshot shape, attached rubber band, and shot little bits of paper, plastic, and whatever else I could find. Rubber band, you’re so useful and thoughtful. Every time I needed to hold a bundle of things together, you were there. Last week when I did a DIY nail design, you were there. When I’ve been in a pinch, you have offered to be my hair tie though it was a bit of a struggle getting you out. But I must say, you have a mean side. If only I had a dollar for every time you worked with someone else and snapped at me or shot at me, leaving a red, angry welt! I would have enough money to go on a serious Staples center shopping spree. Even though you do have your mean side, I appreciate you more than anything. You have always been there for me, and I will always be there for you. Now, pencil and pen. We’re the perfect trio. Pencil behind my left ear and pen behind my right when we plan out ideas together. Pencil, you make a great funny-looking mustache when I pinch you between my upper lip and my nose. Pen, I have been turning you into miniature launchers for nearly forever as I reassembled you and shot your ink cartridge across the room. We truly are perfect for each other, aren’t we office supplies? We have had so many good times together! I know we will make many, many more.
Now, office supplies, we’re going into college. We are going to need each other more than we ever have before. We will have to try to be more serious and mature though I hope we will still stay playful sometimes. Crayon, I won’t abandon you, I promise. You’ll always be in my heart and my craft drawer and I’ll reach for you first, always when I want to draw. Paper and paperclip, I’ll be seeing you both a lot more when I write the long essays I’ve been told I’m going to write. Rubber band, you will always be an essential part of my life in my projects, and as an essential supply to have. Pencil and pen! You both were here for me just now as I drafted out this letter, and I know we’ll spend much more time together working on college work, as I get my associates degree in nursing. We’ve come such a long way since the first day in kindergarten. You have been there for me, and I’ll always be there for you. I truly believe the relationship we have is the best I could ever ask for, and I know we’ll continue to grow together.