The moment I saw the essay prompt, I immediately knew what I could write about. I have this pen, it is blue with green... Alligator? Crocodile? Dinosaur? on top of it. When you squeeze his big head, his big, sparkly green eyes bulge out. He does not seem to mind, though, as he still keeps his big, toothy smile. I got Trevor (yes, I named him Trevor) last year and he is pretty … [Read more...] about Pen with Trevor (Erin Medley)
Scholarship Works
Planner (Larissa Tegtmeier)
Going into my senior year of high school, I knew that being organized should become a priority, even more than it had in years past. With taking challenging classes, balancing extracurriculars, applying for scholarships, all while trying to appreciate my final year of high school, there would be a lot going on. In the past years, especially during the most hectic seasons, I … [Read more...] about Planner (Larissa Tegtmeier)
Mechanical Pencil (Naomi Whipps)
The day before I started senior year of high school I packed my backpack with the only two writing utensils I have really ever needed: A blue Pentel mechanical pencil with 07 lead and a blue Sharpie highlighter. Both of these items have never failed me. With just the right lead, my pencil glides over the paper smoothly, silently penning each stroke and creating sharp, dark … [Read more...] about Mechanical Pencil (Naomi Whipps)
Love Letter to Office Supplies (Teagen Hodge)
My Dear Office Supplies, We’ve had quite an eventful relationship together, from my first day of kindergarten to my last day of senior year. You’ve been there for me the entire journey and we’ve had many ups and downs along the way. We’ve laughed, cried, been excessively bored, and gotten up to mischief together. You are much more than just office supplies to me. You are my … [Read more...] about Love Letter to Office Supplies (Teagen Hodge)
Daily Planner (Erica Lee)
My most favorite and most highly used stationery item is a yearly/daily planner. My planner is my favorite stationery item because it helps me stay organized with daily activities, homework assignments, study schedules, class schedules, school department meetings, and appointments. Attending college has always been a lifelong dream since elementary school. I have always wanted … [Read more...] about Daily Planner (Erica Lee)
Simple Stickies (Shae Atkins)
I’m not interested in keeping my planner on my computer; I’m just not. Digital calendars drive me insane. I have to use them for classes or group projects from time to time, and I’ve learned over the years that I hate everything about them. The confusing interface of adding a new event, the stress of not being sure if your inputs will sync properly between devices, the anxiety … [Read more...] about Simple Stickies (Shae Atkins)
Notebook (Katelyn Walz)
I have struggled over the years to find a note-taking system that works for me. I like writing physical notes, but they can be extremely bulky; especially since I have been taking intensive college courses for years. I hated how when color-coding my notes, the pens would bleed through the page and I had to only write on one side of the page, making my notes even bulkier. By the … [Read more...] about Notebook (Katelyn Walz)
Colored Pens (Blaimatte Luwangu)
As a student, I have to have a method that helps me memorise my work and helps me study my work. My study method is, using colored pens for my notes. I will give you some reasons why and how I started using colored pens. Before colored pens, I used to just write down my notes in black and white from middle school up to high school. In my 8th grade class, my English teacher … [Read more...] about Colored Pens (Blaimatte Luwangu)
Eraser (William Tatum)
Hello, my name is William Tatum. I am a rising junior at the College of William and Mary who’s currently planning on transferring to VCU to study graphic design. Today I am going to describe my favorite stationery item, first introducing it through a short poem O’ Eraser, Great Messiah to my mistakes, Destroyer of Worlds, Maker of Masterpieces, What have I done to warrant … [Read more...] about Eraser (William Tatum)
Yellow Highlighter (Andrea De Haro)
A question that I had never asked myself before and that now triggers my imagination is that of what is my favorite stationery item? Every day sitting at the same desk and in front of the same things and I never really thought about which of all those articles that share my day-to-day are essential for me, and now I wonder which one is my favorite? I look at all of them now and … [Read more...] about Yellow Highlighter (Andrea De Haro)